You have a choice - Good day/Bad day!

Did you have a bad day today?
Did you wake up grouchy?
Did you tell someone that you are having a bad day?
How many times did you say it today?
How many times did you think it today?
Did you enjoy your bad day?

If you say it outloud, over and over, your body and mind will believe it! If that statement is true, you have probably convinced yourself into having a bad day. Your outlook was probably shaded by negative thoughts.

Research shows that what you think and say, is carried out in your actions.

If you go into a test thinking: "I'm going to flunk this, I hate this subject, I didn't study enough, I probably won't graduate, etc, etc., guess what? Your have probably convinced yourself and therefore flunked the test.

You have a choice of what kind of day you will have? You have a choice on whether you are going to be happy, think positive thoughts, make a difference in the world today. Yes, you do.
It doesn't matter what kind of family you grew up in - what has been happening around you - what your handicaps are - you have a choice on whether you are going to be: happy or sad.

It starts with saying outloud - positive statements. That positive energy will reflect in your thoughts and actions. I believe there is an energy in our world, that can be tapped into. In a recent lecture from Dr. Hamp, we were reminded that there is a frequency in every thing. Every item/person is made up of atoms and those atoms are constantly in motion. Now, our cell phones and electronics give off a frequency and sometimes that interrupts our natural blood flow. (I will expand on more of that later)
Music gives off a frequency - vibration that can affect our own body strength and blood flow. Therefore making us stronger in thought and body. Before taking a test, listen to music that has a positive (major) flow to it. (Mozart Theory) This actually improves our mental abilities. Therefore, ideal in a test situation.

You do have control over what you think! Don't let anyone tell you differently!
Every morning, get out of bed and thank God for another day. Search your mind, and decided if those thoughts are positive or negative. If they will enhance your day and make it better - or will pull you down. Claim the positive thoughts and repeat them out loud throughout the day. I promise, your day will be the best ever!

Just try it!
