
I have discovered that Yo Yo Ma is going to be in Winona Minnesota at the Minnesota Beethoven Festival. Wow! The problem is, it's sold out! Bummer! So now what to do???? Maybe I will go over and just stand outside and see if I can hear anything...I would do it.

Isn't summer just great! My project this summer is developing online lessons for my beginning orchestra students. I am part of a grant for educators, developing lesson plans for teachers, using tech tools. How exciting!

My creative project this summer is painting with acrylics. I noticed that youtube has painting lessons. I'm going for it!

My "Challenge" project is cleaning out my closets:) My goal is to remove all the unwanted clutter from my house. My theory is: home clutter = mind clutter.

I'm looking for a good author for summer reading? A James Patterson or Iris Johansen type of book???

Well, my summer is full - add spending time with family and friends - camping up north in the deep woods - practicing my cello and wa-la, school starts again.

Happy summer everyone!
