The Creatist!

I have discovered my true identity!

 It came to me right before I woke up this morning.  Yes, that is usually when I find my ideas!  The other morning an idea came to me while brushing my teeth.  I always have a pen and notepad by the sink in the bathroom, so I can write down my ideas when they hit. 
I am a creatist!  When I think about "what excites me", or where I fit in this world, I have come up with this thought.  I absolutely love coming up with ideas, projects, ways to do things "out of the box".  I have always said i would love to work in a "think box" organization.  This would include an office (which would be an industrial loft, with wide open spaces, huge walls for displaying ideas, spaces that give artwork their own space, black and white with huge pops of color).  To give people another way to look at things, a new perspective.  Whether it be related to their work space,education, music,  a problem in their life, an approach to a situation that isn't working for them, their home space, a relationship - whatever it is - create something new and better from it.
I think I will start my own company.  Call it "The Creatist"! Wait a minute, every time I type creatist, it comes up with red squiggly lines under it -  it is not a word.  I think I just created a new word "Creatist".
Oh yeah!  I would certainly have coffee breaks with rolls!  That promotes "Creativity" - oh wait a minute - what else could I do to get the same satisfaction, without the calories!  CREATE
