Solo Ensemble Contest = Growth

I always require my students to take a solo to solo/ensemble contest. Over 30 years of teaching, I have seen over and over, a tremendous improvement in the student's skills, in preparing for contest. The contest itself is a good experience, but the process in preparing is where the growth comes in. In my experience I have found that my students are involved in many things, and it's very difficult to expect them to practice diligently every day, during the school year. But, over a two month period, or even one month of concentrated practice with a goal in mind, produces improvement in technical skills and musicality. If they follow the practice checklist, it is even more beneficial. The checklist includes specific practice guidelines, music analysis and peer coaching. These skills are also valuable life lessons.
If the student waits until the last minute to prepare, it is also a life lesson. Sometimes a little painful, but still worth the lesson. We are much more successful in our endeavors if we do our homework, or practice with a specific goal in mind.
