Summer Project

Well, I have had the most interesting/challenging job this summer.  Last spring I applied to work on a grant sponsored by Intermediate District 287.  When I applied I had no idea that I was going to learn SO much!  I enjoy learning new things on the internet, and thought I would enjoy this task.  Thinking this was going to be a piece of cake, something that would actually take 40 hours (as suggested in  he material), I applied and was accepted.  Well, needless to say, after 2 months, it was HUGE, but worth every minute.  I designed an Online Class for beginning cellist.  The idea came when the summer lesson program was cut due to budget cuts.  I wanted to develop a place for the new students to come and get these lessons online.  This unit takes the kids through the beginning steps of learning to play the cello.  Everything from how to take it out of the case, take care of it, proper posture to playing pizzicato and how to hold the bow.  They can see and hear me explain, see video's of professional cellist explain it, and read on it.  WOW!  It's amazing!  Now if I can pull it off and teach the kids how to use it, it will really be amazing.
Stay tuned for progress reports.

By the way, click on the underlined word "unit" above and it will take you to my online class.
