Healthy body

30 lbs and counting!'  Counting calories?  NOT
Last July after going to Maine with my sisters (and seeing myself in the pictures:(  And, after a visit to the doctor (resulting in high cholesterol) I decided it was time to stop the craziness and do something about it.  The first thing I did was to hold my breath and step on the scale. YIKES!  it was true...195.  I have never in  my life weighed that much! Oh well, a good kick in the rear!
So, I decided to cut the "White" food in my diet...such as, white sugar, white flour, potatoes, white rice, pasta.  I was never much of a sweet potato fan, but I decided to give it a try, and now they are one of my favorite foods.  well, this was a start and since then (and a huge fan of Dr. Oz), I decided to fill my diet with healthy options and work from the inside out!

Key facts:  eat every 3 hours, essential everyday items, and exercise (okay, I haven't exercised, but it sure sounds better) Red meat once a week, fish once or twice a week, chicken and pork loin.  I carry a packet of sunkist "ready made" tuna and Multi-grain thin bun in my purse all the time, for that quick source of energy!

5:00: (or whenever I get up) I have two cups of coffee with Carnation French Vanilla (no fat)

7:00  Start out the morning with a bowl of oatmeal. I discovered the steel cut oatmeal and decided it was a bit too heavy, so now I mix steel cut with long cooking oatmeal.  It settles better and is a great source of fiber.  Add 1/2 to 1 tsp of cinnamon to a large batch, along with flax seed for the best nutritional value.
I will include my oatmeal recipe with "My Favorite Foods".  I make a large batch on Sunday for the week.  I just spoon out what I want and heat it in the microwave.  I really love Silk Vanilla Light Soymilk with it!

9:00:  Oikos Greek Yogurt with frozen blueberries.  I pack this in my lunch bag for school.  This is a great  boost for the morning.  Since I get up so early, I am hungrier in the morning.

11:00:  I eat lunch which consists of any of the following:  brown rice with any left over vegetable:  brown rice with chili beans:  Brown rice with Grand Black Bean and Corn Salsa, tuna fish sandwich, soup (homemade vegetable, tomato or whatever I made over the weekend)

2:00:  Snack:  Tuna sandwich, fruit, whole wheat saltine crackers with laughing cow cheese

5:00 Supper:  Salmon, fish, pork loin, chicken breasts, usually whole foods. (no creamy soups or high fat processed foods)

Wine/crackers (Flat pretzels, laughing cow cheese, Townhouse flatbread (Sea salt)
