Technology as a tool to enhance learning

Lets take a look at using technology in the music classroom.  Not necessarily technology software, but other tools to enhance learning, open up communication and share our music with each other and the world.

  1.  Have a good website:  Try out using Moodle.  It's a website that is user friendly and interactive.
2.  Purchase a hand-held digital video camera.  These can be used by the students for auditions, lessons and analyzing work.
3.  On-line vocabulary quizzes.
4.  Open forums for students and parents.
5.  You-tube comparisons and critique.
6.  Concert and weekly updates via Moodle.
7.  Electronic grading
8.  Google docs - for Staff development and student group work.
9.  Google Calendar
10,  Texting - communicating with students

This is just a few of the possibilities.  Stay tuned for more!
